I don’t get as many people interested in learning how to sing as those who want to learn how to play the piano, probably because (despite the fact that singing is one of the most natural things to do in the world) so many people have fears about singing in front of anyone, and occasionally even to themselves!
However I do have the pleasure of teaching a number of individuals each with their likewise individual voice, who have taken that first step to finding their voice and have since flourished.
One thing most of my singing pupils have in common is the astonishment they have upon realising what it takes to really work with and improve their voice. As one new pupil said to me recently: “I thought it would be pretty easy but now I see…I’ve opened a can of worms!”
Now it’s not that bad really, it’s just hard work. To give you an idea of what is involved in singing training, here is a list of some of the things I have to be aware of every time I sing:
- Breathing (obviously!) – and more to even this that a lot of people think!
- The shape of my mouth, inside and out.
- My jaw.
- Rib cage and intercostal muscles.
- Abdominal muscles.
- The back of my neck.
- My tongue – it’s position and shape.
- My lips and teeth.
- My posture.
- My hands and arms.
…And that’s just some of the physical stuff! On top of that there is learning the notes to new songs, learning new languages, tackling vowels and diction and much more besides.
So to those who feel like tackling a workload which culminates in something which you can feel proud of and can impress with, come and give it a go!
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